The Minimalist Hospital Bag Checklist

Being pregnant with my 5th baby in 6 years, here is what I think the bare-bones minimum amount your need to pack in your hospital bag!

I have researched many hospital bag checklist guides and find that most of them list a lot of unnecessary items.

So let's cut right to the chase. Below you will find a checklist for you and your partner on my personal recommendations on the only items you need to pack in your hospital bag. The list also includes an "optional" section where I list popular things people like to bring but by no means NEED to and a "what not to bring" section where I list out why these are unnecessary. Spoiler alert: It is because your hospital probably provides them.

Links to my personal favorites are listed below this checklist

Mom Talk-Minimalist Hospital Bag Checklist 1

Mom Talk-Minimalist Hospital Bag Checklist 2

Collage Hospital Bag Checklist Labor and Delivery Personal Favorites

To shop these items, click the number that correlates to the products you want

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

Did I miss anything? Let me know your thoughts on the list! You can send me DM on Instagram or an email! I always love hearing from you!

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